Inspection Overview

ActiveHome Inspections  has over 30-years of experience in the building trades, first; as a licensed NM GB98 contractor, and second; as an Architect having accomplished many successful projects in several states: New York, Virginia, California, and Colorado.  We have been active for the past 25-years in New Mexico with an extensive knowledge base for all types of buildings and architectural styles that includes; city planning, urban design and commercial developments to offer you the best possible evaluation for your projects.

ActiveHome Inspections' due diligence is an active forensic examination of the property that we considered to be a living environment in an active marketplace; to assist Homeowner, Buyer, Real Estate Broker, Insurance Agent and/or Banker; and present a fair and unbiased evaluation of the present-day conditions for the project. 

Elements covered within a Typical Inspection:
Roof,  built-up, membrane, foam, EPDM, metal, shingles, tile, flashings, chimneys, vents, trim and gutters, drip edges, skylights, downspouts, and other visible roof related items etc.

Exterior, stucco, siding materials, attachments, windows, doors, sashes and lintels, vents, entryways, and other visible exterior related components etc.  

Decks and Porches, structure integrity, rot, and safety etc.

Interior, floors, tile, wood, carpet, ceilings, walls, stairs and banisters, finishes, sinks, cabinets, shelving, built-in appliances, smoke detectors, safety-related items and other visible interior-related components etc.

Plumbing and Fixtures, water pressure, water distribution system, hose bibs, sinks, faucets, bath/showers, toilets, sanitary system, and other plumbing system components etc.

Heating and Cooling Systems, furnace, boiler, radiant, filters, ductwork, gas testing for leaks, air conditioner, condensers, lines, and other visible related HVAC components including evaporativecooling etc.
Electrical Systems, service entry and clearances, service panel, switches, outlets, visible wiring, junction boxes, grounding system, and other related electrical components etc.

Structural Systems, Foundations, and Insulation, insulation, ventilation, posts, vapor barriers, utility attachment, structural items, floors, walls, and columns etc.

Attics, Basements and Access, insulation, ventilation, rafters, joists, collar ties, trusses, and wiring attachments etc.

Fireplaces, type, Kiva, standard or inserts, hearths, firebox, firebrick, flues, chimneys, drafting, and codes etc.

Overall Appearances, age, exterior, interior, cosmetic appearances, paint, stucco, etc. with a classification from A-D if requested but not for the value of the house.

Environmental Issues, testing: for all environmental exposures such as for gas leaks, air & water quality, Radon radiation, Carbon monoxide, Mold, Remediation, Mitigation and all other apparent safety hazards.

Standards of Practice:

The Standards of Practice guide home inspectors in the performance of their inspections. Subject to regular review, the Standards of Practice reflect information gained through surveys of conditions in the field and of the consumers’ interests and concerns.  Vigilance has elevated ASHI’s Standards of Practice so that today they are the most widely-accepted home inspection guidelines in use and are recognized by many government and professional groups as the definitive standard for professional performance.

Code of Ethics:

The Code of Ethics stresses the home inspector’s responsibility to report the results of the inspection in a strictly fair, impartial, and professional manner, avoiding any conflicts of interest.

Inspection Overview:

ActiveHome Inspections  will inspect and present to the client a Confidential Report along with a CD to examine and assist the client with a thorough evaluation that follows the best standards of practice and code of ethics within the America Society and the National Association of Home Inspectors.

ActiveHome Inspections  conducts inspections and provides confidential reports with integrity. Every inspection is a complete and thorough analysis of all the major systems and components within the house.   The Report includes a clearly
written description, accompanied with digital photographs to support our findings and detail notes for any problem areas that can be easily identified with possible solutions, so that the client will have all the facts needed to make sound and informed decisions.
ActiveHome Inspections  has a full understanding of the real estate market in New Mexico with sensitivity for the homeowner and for the buyer as well; to deliver a fair unbiased evaluation and assessment of the property to be analyzed.          

ActiveHome Inspections  will prepare a Confidential Report after the field inspection in terms easy to understand and we use the latest home inspection software in a presentational formatted hard copy and CD.

ActiveHome Inspections  has an extensive knowledgeable database beyond the basic Home Inspection by providing a detailed Comprehensive Property Inspection for larger developments, housing projects and we can also provide inspections for
Reverse Mortgages; that will incorporate: Solar Systems, Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs & Spas, Irrigation Systems, Landscaping, Drainage, Cisterns & Water Storage Systems, Gates & Monuments, Security Systems, Green & Energy Recommendations and Environmental Testing are available.
ActiveHome Inspections   will perform a basic home inspection within minimum standards for: $399.00 depending on the type of inspection; required testing, which is included in most cases, square footage, and location, see Rate Card.

ActiveHome Inspections  will perform a reinspection either included or at HALF of the original paice by third party hires.   After the work and repairs have been completed by others, AHI will ensure the work has been properly executed or if the work has not been satisfactorily completed to building standards another inspection may be necessary and the extra time will be billed hourly. 

Depending on the size and condition of the house, a thorough basic home inspection will usually take no more than two to four hours and 48-hours to deliver the detailed findings to the client.   Typically you may want to accompany the inspector during the walk-through inspection to gain a better understanding of some of the problems areas first hand in the field, which may not have been discovered before an inspection.   The inspection process will give you better knowledge of the present-day conditions and codes so you can best determine cost of repairs within the industry standards and help you to evaluate its market value.   Although it’s not the job of the inspector to appraised the value of the house;  the inspector’s findings will help you prepare a
cost analysis and if necessary, to hire the services of either an independent structural engineer, licensed contractor or a handyman to help you determine its market value.

  • If any elements are missing or having a latent defect will be noted on the Report.
  • A digital photographic record will accompany the detailed findings and attached to the Report.
  • The Inspector will not volunteer estimates for repairs of the defects, (unless by special request), although we can make recommendations for Engineers, Contractors or Handymen who are not affiliated with the Inspector.
  • Inspection fees are discussed beforehand and payments are due on the day of Inspection unless otherwise agreed.
  • Re-Inspections fees are 50% of the original Inspections's basic fee without the Environmental Testing fees.

Please Call or Contact Us for FREE Consultation and to review AHI's Rate Card for certified inspections and testing services;
and we'll demonstrate that we are Santa Fe's leading inspection company to best serve your immediate needs.